What 4 Years of Veganism Looks Like:

In a few weeks’ time, I’ll be officially celebrating my fourth-year anniversary as a vegan. During these last four years, I can honestly say that I’ve learned a lot about myself, but also about the lifestyle that I choose to by live every day. I must say that that being vegan has become a big part of my identity, and it has definitely been a point of reference for what I believe in, and the things I stand up for. Veganism has allowed me to flourish in many different avenues in life and has allowed me to become the person that I am today.

I’ve definitely become a sucker for nature.

I think that it would be naĂŻve to encapsulate every single thing that veganism has taught me, and how it has affected me. But I believe that there are definitely a few key points that stand out the most. As part of an ever-growing mindset, and a will towards bettering myself every single waking moment, I hereby present a few takeaways from my four-year long experience as a vegan.

Be patient.

I realized during my time as a vegan that not everyone will understand my ideas. I know that my ideas won’t be reciprocated by others and that’s completely fine. I’ve been educating myself on nutrition, morality and environmental sustainability on a daily basis according to my beliefs as a vegan. I understand that some people believe that veganism is an extreme idea and that it disregards key variables of living a balanced lifestyle. However, I know that my lifestyle is not extreme because I don’t go above and beyond to sustain it. My spending budget on food is very good and my diet is on point. Both my physical and mental health have never been better, and I always wake up rejuvenated by the fact that my lifestyle is the reason why I feel so good.

My lifestyle doesn’t jeopardize the planet nor does it actively harm others—and I’m content with that. I’m patient with my choices because I understand that one day, many people will realize the necessity of living a sustainable lifestyle, and veganism is one of the surest ways to attain that.

Treat yourself with respect.

Being vegan for this long has allowed me to grasp the weight of my decisions like never before. I think that different people realize certain things at different periods in their lives, but I attribute some of my decision-making processes to my vegan lifestyle. Endlessly reading ingredients lists during food shops, or just trying to positively feed myself, has played a massive role in the way I treat my body and mind. I’m able to confidently say that I’m treating my body like a temple. Whether that is through basic necessities like having a skin care routine, or by not drinking alcohol or fizzy drinks, I believe that I’ve come a long way with how I look at the choices I make in my life.

Veganism has played a role in how I feed my mind, my body and my soul, and I truly believe that the choices I make today will shape my future to come.

Vegan cuisine is so versatile and abundant, it’s a joy to try out and cook.

Stay empathetic.

I think this has to be the hardest thing that I’ve been learning and developing concerning my day to day life. Although veganism constitutes an idea that revolves around morality and empathy, it’s also challenging for us humans to get along with each other all the time.

One thing that veganism has taught me, is to treat others the way I want to be treated. It’s interesting how deeply attached I’ve become to veganism, but sometimes I feel like this empathy isn’t shown towards my fellow humans. I sometimes forget that being empathetic towards others should be considered a universal standard, and not biased towards farm animals. The intimate relationships that I’ve had with people and the close friendships that I’ve built in the last four years, have determined my ability to express myself to others. This ability has allowed me to create lasting companionships but also has diminished others. I don’t regret the course of my life and the actions I’ve taken. However, being empathetic to my fellow Earthlings includes everyone. Because at the end of the day, everyone has a will in this life, and everyone, including myself, wants to be happy.

Moving on.

The final thing that I really want to touch on is the ability to move on towards the future.

When I first became vegan, I never pictured myself in the future and the things I would learn along the way. However, through the power of hindsight, I’ve realized that I’ve evolved tremendously in this short period of time, and so have my views on veganism and the world. I don’t see veganism as a “ism” but rather as a modus operandi. Veganism is no longer a belief that I partake in, but rather, it has become a lifestyle. Veganism means that the soil where my food comes from is rich in minerals and nutrients. Veganism means that my food is not sprayed with chemicals. Veganism means that no animals have been harmed to sustain my existence. Veganism means that my passion for expression is shown through acts of kinds, spreading love to others around me and showing what it means to live a vegan lifestyle—living ethically, resourcefully and empathetically. Living a lifestyle where I give back and say thanks. Learning from my mistakes and solving issues.

Veganism has taught me to move on in life and discover new things as I go through this journey. I don’t really know where I would be if it wasn’t for veganism, because for the last four years, veganism has truly uplifted my spirits, my physical capabilities and has motivated me to help those around me. Veganism has made me understand that change starts from within and that action must be taken first if I want to improve myself and my surroundings.

In short, veganism has definitely added a sense of positivity, and a feeling of gratuity in my life that is very invigorating. I’ve been able to pursue my goals and dreams knowing that the world is my oyster (a vegan oyster?). If you’re reading this and are wondering how this article can help you, I have this to say—challenge yourself, do good deeds, create positive change and most importantly, be yourself.

Stay blessed.